National Park Service $100,000 Job Opening. Skills Required: Large Format Photography

Today we take aim at the non-believers, the naive, the pixel-packing pervs, the consumer-driven suckers, the wasteful, the know nothing but digital society and tell them one of the most lucrative jobs on offer for a photographer in the US…

…has a requirement to shoot large format film.



The position listed on USAJobs by the Department of the Interior National Park Service is open for applications from US residents who meet the strict criteria until December the 15th. The expertise required is certainly recognised as they are offering up to a staggering $100,000 per year paid salary.

Here’s a brief overview of the duties one lucky skilled photographer will be required to do:

“Produces large-format photographic documentation to the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for the HABS/HAER/HALS permanent collection at the Library of Congress. Develops photographic guidelines and standards for traditional and born-digital photographic processes and products.  Produces exhibition quality prints for exhibition, publication, or other visual purposes.  Evaluates submissions and provides advice and assistance concerning production of photographic documentation for donations to the collection or for mitigation purposes.  Makes presentations about the collection or the programs to various public and private groups.”

Although not resident in the US, Phogotraphy scanned through the job requirements and picked out a couple of the best specialised experience needed should you wish to apply:

Use large format cameras and related equipment to take and process photographs in a field setting.

Using and operating a large format camera is one thing, however the those with a tendency to swoon gleefully at the smell of developer will certain be excited knowing they’ll get to spend some time in the dark:

Operate a photographic laboratory to process film and images and prepare for field work.

Photography students who are studying or studied at universities that have dropped their darkroom facilities will feel at a considerable disadvantage and quite rightly so. Further education is meant to give people the skills and qualifications they need to progress in their chosen career, however if well known government bodies are still actively recruiting artists who have a good basis of film knowledge this may pose as a huge problem for the institutions that have opted out of film photography.

We are delighted to see that some large organisations are still taking large format film very seriously and hope the revelation this may come to some people may make them think twice when leaving the a-typical Facebook comment “none of the pros use film any more” which we know to be absolutely untrue.

via USAJobs via Believe in Film

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