Instantly Iconic Photograph Emerges from Russian Ambassador Assassination.

Moment ago news broke of an assassination that took place in Turkey of a Russian ambassador. Several photographs, and one in particular have quickly made the social media rounds.

Instantly, iconic.


The assassin’s John Travolta stance is frozen by the photographer’s Continue reading

Fifty five years ago Today, the First Photographer went to Space

We are used to seeing photographs of Space on our social media feeds. Popularised this decade by Chris Hadfield and emulated by many more it’s hard to conceive a time existed before astronomer photography. So who was the first photographer in Space?

It was this man, Gherman Titov of Russia:

Gherman Titov practising on Earth with a Konvas movie camera. (Photo: FotoSoyuz)

Titov was aboard Vostok 2 when it took off to journey beyond our atmosphere and make 17 orbits of Earth on the 6th August 1961. The mission, Continue reading

Canon vs Nikon: The Definitive Crush Test

In the latest video in a long line of successful forced dismantling episodes, the current darling of the Youtube universe have done the unthinkable and crushed two vintage cameras. The reason? To finally answer that age old question of Canon vs Nikon superiority.

Watch the video below, or scroll down if you want to see the finished result.

This sort of thing can be difficult for camera enthusiasts to stomach, however unlike other similar camera destruction reviews we’ve covered before on Phogotraphy these guys were using non-functioning cameras and let’s face it, the chap controlling the press has an adorable accent.

So which brand ‘won’?

Continue reading

Just Don’t Point this Camera at the Police

Moscow based artist Dmitry Morozov has designed a digital camera by reengineering a Gameboy classic, accompanying thermal printer accessory and a GUN!

Dmitry Morozov's 8-bit Instant Photo Gun.
Dmitry Morozov’s 8-bit Instant Photo Gun.

He calls it the 8-bit Instant Photo Gun, and that’s exactly what it is. Despite looking like a movie prop from a futuristic steampunk-esque film like Mad Max, the camera is actually quite functional. Albeit a certain taste may be required to appreciate this certain output aesthetic.

The thermal printers & camera were sold as an accessory to the Gameboy over a decade ago. With under 1 Mega-Pixel of power they are slowly starting to creep bag into the digital-hispter’s bag. Morozov has simply repurposed the entire system to work with a gun’s trigger. Continue reading