Even Apple Users will Love this Brilliant and Creative Google Photos Ad.

Apple iPhone users it is time to rejoice. In all these years, the efforts by Google et al to poo-poo the Apple iPhone as a tool of the sheeple has proved nothing. However with this latest ad that mocks those poor souls who opted for the 16Gb handsets things might just have to change.

You’ll enjoy this:

Apart from the bane of Windows and Mac users’ existence that is iTunes, the most common gripe iPhone owners have is the pathetic Continue reading

There’s a Petition to get Fuji to produce B&W Instax film

Now here’s an interesting idea. A film photographer has started a petition on Change.org to persuade the makers of Fuji Instax to begin making black and white versions of the popular instant film.


Started by German photographer Darko Saric, the petition Continue reading

Less is More? Holga Digital Smashes Kickstarter Funding Goal.

With almost a month left to go, how has yet another seemingly redundant piece of camera technology found itself successfully funded on Kickstarter? We’re talking of course of the recently introduced Holga Digital, the latest in a long line of intentionally tacky cameras from the Chinese firm.

Holga Digital Kickstarter

The question you might ask is how a product that outputs poor quality images that any digital camera is capable of making could prove so popular. A digital camera that has been intentionally marketed and designed with limited functions. There is absolutely no ‘new’ technology available with the camera, if anything it’s the lack of tech that might just be its unique selling point.


I spent some time considering the appeal the colourful looking adult-toy might have and indeed its lack of high-tech, ground breaking features might be what makes it endearing. Of course the Holga brand is popular already and has a steadily growing fan base filled with people who are committed to buying whatever is new on the product line just as an Apple enthusiast would be for the latest iPhone.

Perhaps the most unusual ‘feature’ of the Holga Digital is its lack of LCD screen on the back. There is nowhere to review or worse, chimp through your photographs. It may seem counterproductive, but the fact its not there may instil a bit of the magic that has been lost in our age of instant gratification. The entire range of Sony Alpha cameras available today have even done away with optical viewfinders, instead they’ve been replaced with garish tiny LCD displays inside the arched roof – perhaps a disconnect from the subject one step too far for some photographers. It’s no wonder that people are grasping at ways to feel closer to the scenes they’re taking.

Remember those days when things broke, we fixed it?

Of course the lo-fi functionality of the camera is easier for our minds to understand. Instead of a mass of circuitry, multitude of functions, wheels and dials we’re presented with a plastic box that might as well just been 3D printed. Perhaps its simplicity in design (some may prefer to call it tacky) proves that to engage people in the arts and photography more is not always better.

We’re still on the fence with this one, but have to admit the interest and success of the Kickstarter has piqued our interest and look forward to seeing if the Holga community develops and thrives with its new found digital technology.

Related: Tacky Red Cameras.

First Day of School Pictures are the Best!

It’s 8AM in the morning, you’ve been up two hours already rushing around and preparing for the big day. “Where’s the battery for the camera” you bellow down the hallway to your better half, for it’s time to take one of the most important photographs you’re ever going to make as a human being. It’s your child’s first day at school.


The world is very different to how it was when I was a Continue reading

Common Sense Prevails – Freedom of Panorama Saved

In what may come as a surprise to most cynics, a photography based petition has actively changed a political debate and prevented a further erosion of photographers’ rights. The Freedom of Panorama has been saved!


Nico Trinkhaus handed over the petition which as of July 8th stood at 480,000 signatures in favour of the Freedom of Panorama. For a bit of background a draft law was due to be passed in the European courts which restricted the right for photographers, both amateur and pro to snap photographs of cities and landmarks without repercussion. Julia Reda had championed an expansion of the freedom of panorama to countries which don’t allow it like France, however this bill was turned on its head to threaten us all.

Today, Change.org confirmed that the mumblings of our elected oligarchs in the courts of Brussels had changed significantly in tone after receiving the petition approved by half a million people. Nico Trinkhaus said:

When I handed over the petition to MEP Julia Reda, she was “overwhelmed by the responses to the petition” and stated that “the petition has changed the debate in the parliament considerably and a lot of the parliamentary groups that originally voted for a restriction of Freedom of Panorama are clearly changing their mind about this.”

We’d like to extend a huge thanks to Nico and Julia whom without their support, go getting attitude and optimism for making this happen and protecting out rights as photographers!

#SAVEFOP ! ! !

Microsoft is Farming your Photos and Personal Information with How-old.net

No doubt you’ve already seen friends sharing screenshots of the Microsoft powered website how-old.net on your Facebook newsfeed. Within hours of its release it had gone viral, which is mildly unusual as it’s not a new idea by any means. Despite it being absolutely appalling at guessing people’s age it’s been a hit.


But did you read the fine print? Tucked away several paragraphs down in the Terms of Use is this long sentence. Continue reading

Lady who Flashed her Breasts at Google Car is Being Charged by Police

When Karen Davis ticked off one of the items on her bucket list, she never expected the story it created would land her in trouble with the law. But now, over two months later the infamous stunt has been noticed by SA police who are charging her with ‘disorderly conduct’

Karen Davis directs a cheeky wobble toward the Google Street Cameras.
Karen Davis directs a cheeky wobble toward the Google Street Cameras.

Although not sexually motivated, the harmless prank is being treated like any other public display of nudity would be. Davis admits that she felt liberated after the Google car has passed. She told the Adelaide advertiser:

“I used to be ashamed of my bust size and now I’ve accepted it and I embrace it.
“It’s a set of boobs and they show them on TV, you know what I mean?”

Continue reading

Moment Mile: 138 Photographers Join Together on One Street to Create a 1-Mile long Panorama

It’s wonderful when photographic communities get together and create something special, and that’s just what the project Moment Mile did on November 1st 2014.

#MomentMile Exhibition Installation Takes Place.
#MomentMile Exhibition Installation Takes Place.

Organised by conceptual photographic artist Sean Busher, the plan was to gather 138 local photographers together in the Charlotte NC area to create a gigantic 1.2 mile long panorama of Tryon Street. Then at a specific time, to the second, every single photographer lined up along the street would take a single frame and create what may possibly be the largest, seamless moment in time panoramic photograph ever.

Sean says “There was so much that could’ve gone wrong with this project, I was fearful there would be holes all along these two massive panoramics…” [sic] however as it turned out all 138 photographer’s cameras worked (phew.)

Sean Busher at inspecting the Panorama at the Moment Mile Exhibition
Sean Busher at inspecting the Panorama at the Moment Mile Exhibition

The project was put on to celebrate the reopening of The Light Factory a contemporary gallery of photography and film in Charlotte. On display during tonight’s opening (17th December 2014) will be two 100 foot long panoramas, which you can see in part towards the end of the ‘Making of’ video uploaded to Youtube below.

If you’re desperate to see an online version of the panorama, you’ll have to wait for the time being as an exclusive unveiling at the Mint Museum, 500 S. Tyron is happening right now. There have been a few frames ‘leaked’ to Twitter, like this unusual image by Jeff Cravotta outside of the Centre for Dance.

Jeff Cravotta's Submission to Moment Mile
Jeff Cravotta’s Submission to Moment Mile

You can also get a sneak preview of the exhibition in this video by the Charlotte Observer which gives away some details including the wonderfully placed ‘double yellow line’ (that’ll confuse the British folk) running between both East and West facing panoramas.

We’ll update this post as soon as an online version of the Panoramas are available.