Even Apple Users will Love this Brilliant and Creative Google Photos Ad.

Apple iPhone users it is time to rejoice. In all these years, the efforts by Google et al to poo-poo the Apple iPhone as a tool of the sheeple has proved nothing. However with this latest ad that mocks those poor souls who opted for the 16Gb handsets things might just have to change.

You’ll enjoy this:

Apart from the bane of Windows and Mac users’ existence that is iTunes, the most common gripe iPhone owners have is the pathetic Continue reading

Those Who Steal Photos Should be Stung by a Thousand Bees

In a rare break of persona, the satirical photographer Missy Mwac has launched a scathing attack on a popular Facebook page that stole an image and allegedly removed her name as credit. A photo of her as a child in the arms of her doting father.

“That’s not sharing, it’s called stealing”

The picture posted earlier this year is a grainy black and white vernacular snap from the author’s yesteryear entitled with the caption “If you don’t think photos are important, wait until they are all you have left.”  The message is especially poignant for Missy who lost her father early in life and helps carry weight to her ongoing cause of getting people to print more photos.

Missy, real name Lynn Cartia first found out about the posting made by ‘Smart Assy‘ this morning when one of her followers informed her of the social media faux-pas. In the video Continue reading

Heineken’s Selfie from Space was an Elaborate Lie.

It was billed by Heineken as the first ever selfie from Space. An elaborate stunt in which an orbiting satellite would focus in on a gathering of people and snap a picture from 400 miles above the Earth. Something didn’t quite add up though. Phogotraphy investigates.

#Spyfie or more #Liefie?

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The “record breaking photo” was taken as part of Heineken’s collaboration with the James Bond franchise in order to promote their latest film Spectre. Dubbed #Spyfie by marketing bods, Continue reading

This Canon Advert has Nothing to do with Creativity

Canon have released another promotional film aimed at inspiring photographers to unleash their inner creativity. However the well intentioned advert shows us anything but. Instead of creativity we get to witness adults acting like children who still like to break everything they touch.

Creativity or Destructivity?

During the episode a group of 6 photographers take turns in manipulating an object and taking a single image unlike any of the previous. The premise is quite neat, kind of like their last Continue reading

This Groom can’t see his Bride-to-be for Guests taking Photos on their Phones

Another day, another wedding photographer having to grapple with the scourge of phone-toting guests filming, snapping and Instagramming everything they’d been hired to do. However Thomas Stewart of Australia has found himself in this situation too many times and as the photograph he took below demonstrates quite clearly, enough is enough.

That’s the groom having to peer around the the guests with phones to see his bride to be walking down the aisle.

Thomas Stewart Wedding Photography Rant

Thomas spent some time yesterday writing a heartfelt rant on his social media page urging guests to leave their phones and cameras Continue reading