“A Photo of a thing that has been happening for Months”

The Daily Mash, a UK satirical site that specialises in making light hearted jibes of current affairs got it absolutely spot on with this headline:

Everyone sad because of photo of thing that’s been happening for months

The article is of course in reference to the photographs and videos that have been going viral on social media which show the lifeless body of a very young boy washed ashore on a European beach. The young boy, a refugee fleeing the atrocities happening in Syria in search of a safer home.

The satirical publication made the striking point as one commenter expressed in a Facebook post. “Today’s story is not making humour out of the photograph of a dead child, but our delayed response to an all too real disaster. It’s still funny, dark, but funny, and the joke is at our expense.”

DAily Mash Headline

The article is very short, intentionally without image and reminds us not only of our own inability to act without seeing photographs, but also how important they are to the world.

It has been confirmed that everyone kind of knew the thing was happening, but now they are very sad and angry because there is a photo of it.


To donate, Save The Children are campaigning to support child refugees here.

Related: Why Use a Doctored Image to Highlight Plight of Syrian Refugees.

Synaesthesia Party Posters for 2015 UK General Election

Synaesthete James Wannerton experiences a sensation of taste in his mouth when he hears different words and sounds. Teaming up with photographic artist Sam Cornwell they have created a visually stunning set of photos as part of a synaesthesia style campaign for the UK’s 2015 general election.

James says the tastes he experiences are involuntary and in no way reflect political allegiances he may hold. The fact Nick Clegg gives him the disgusting sensation of a meatless bone of lamb is neither here no there. While ‘Labour party’ derives a taste of vinegary chips, ‘Conservatives’ taste of hard toffee and these sensations cannot be changed.


ABOVE: David Cameron / Conservatives tastes of hard toffee, macaroons, blue ink & the texture of cloth.

Representing the seven main political parties, the posters are linked by only the cursive line of a restaurant table draped in the party colours. James says he can elaborate extensively on the tastes he experiences with words. He explains The Liberal Democrats and Nick Clegg without holding back: Continue reading

‘Exposure’ Now Legal Tender For Photographers.

A change in the law will allow photographers to pay rent on their homes & studios with ‘exposure’ instead of money. They will also be able to buy coffee, shampoo and other essentials, by mentioning to the checkout assistant that they did a big job last week for nothing, and are hoping it will bring them some paying clients.


Landlords and supermarkets are protesting this move, on the grounds that “Well what the hell am I supposed to do with ‘exposure’? I can’t pay my bills with fresh bloody air! Why can’t you just give me money like every bugger else?” Continue reading