Youtuber Demonstrates how to Photograph Heat in Optical Illusion Video

After a long 8 months, ace Youtube channel Brusspup is back with another amazing optical illusion effect video. This time round the are demonstrating what’s known as the Schileren effect.

For those who’ve not seen this before, Enjoy. It is genuinely breathtaking.


Using a large concave mirror, like one found at the bottom of a telescope, small LED light source, razor blade and imaging device Brusspup reveals Continue reading

Be Mesmerised by this Beautiful Slit Scan Music Video

Music videos can be a hive of experimental photography. Often a director will take an idea they’ve seen and put it into practise to produce surreal often breathtaking results using unorthodox camera techniques.

Richie Johnston is one such filmmaker that demonstrates how subverting a traditional photographic process called slit scan photography can be used to create mesmerising visuals for the musician’s audience.

The film was made to coincide with the Just Music’s Ambient Zone 2 compilation and clocks in at almost an hour in length.

Throughout the performance ballet dancer Rachel Bodger moves in a slow, rhythmic motion drawing on the obvious quirk of photography to elongate her body and draw patterns within the frame. The result is hard to turn away from. After a few minutes it’s clear that the dancer’s improvisation is geared towards the photography used rather than the music, although it compliments it perfectly.

We compiled a few screenshots that show the different patterns Bodger and Johnston’s collaboration achieved and at Phogotraphy we truly think they are marvellous!

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If you’re interested in slit scan photography and want to try to do something similar in a project of your own, Richie Johnston put together a short ‘making of’ video to guide us through the thoughts and processes involved in the production. It’s well worth a look, maybe more so than even the highly polished film above.

Check it out:


Video and stills used with explicit permission of the Richie Johnston.

Easy 10 Step Guide on how to Recreate this Stunning Photo!

Have you seen this wonderful photograph circling various social media in the last 24 hours? It’s a picture of dwarf planet Pluto transiting the face of the Sun, revealing a beautiful hazy blue atmosphere. The minimalist, dark frame has been a hit with scientists, observers and artists alike, not just for the implications this atmosphere may hold for the former planet, but for its eerie, perfect beauty.


At the Phogotraphy office we pondered on how easy it would be for us to take this image ourselves. What type of rig we’d need, how much forward planning and at what expense? Turns out, it’s pretty simple actually. So ever the givers we’ve decided, exclusively, to share this easy 10-step-how-to-guide on photographing the atmosphere of Pluto. Continue reading

Quick Guide on how to Sensibly Critique a Photograph Online

Anthony Northcutt is a freelance photography tutor who teaches students from all over the world. Phogotraphy reached out to ask if he’d share some fundamental advice on how to judge photographs online.  

During the past 5 years or so, we’ve seen an enormous growth in the birth rate of “photography experts”. Camera owners that have a tendency of being immediately available the moment that you post your latest image on social media. And who, typically, don’t have the first idea of how to analyse a photograph let alone understand how to offer an informed and constructive critique.

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So here’s some help, a by no means exhaustive guide to analysing a photograph. Continue reading

How to Create a Wetplate. 7 Second Tutorial

In this fast paced world where everyone wants everything and anything immediately, people just don’t have time to learn things. That’s why I’ve put together this handy little how-to guide for learning the fine art of wet plating. Instead of spending your valuable time in a workshop being taught the craft by a professional you can learn everything you need to know FOR FREE in this quick, handy, looping tutorial.

For those interested these are all the different steps demonstrated Continue reading

Professor Puppet Explains Depth of Field.

The scene is set, the voluptuous female lead makes her entrance and all but confesses her husband’s murder. Then out of absolutely nowhere Professor Hans Von Puppet interrupts the femme fatale scene to explain depth of field.

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In this wonderfully put together ‘Pocket Film School’ web series by Mark W. Gray’s alter ego Professor Puppet goes to great lengths in explaining different techniques and cinematic phrases that we’d otherwise be clueless about. In the short film below we’re treated to an array of samples and how to make the most of our cameras using different aperture settings. That and the Professor’s trademark humour.

It even touches on how focal length is affected by sensor and film sizes as an added bonus, which even some of the more seasoned photographers have troubles realising (though they’d never admit it.)

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If you enjoyed that video we urge you to sign up to Professor Puppet’s Youtube channel and look out for more of his Pocket Film School.

Incidentally if you want to commission Professor Puppet for one of your own videos, you can do so here on Fiverr.